The Final Conference of the PRE-RIGHTS project “Preventive Measures and Cross-Border Judicial and Police Cooperation” will take place on 7 July 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The event has been organized in a hybrid format to allow in-person and online participation. On that occasion, professionals of the judicial sector will have the chance to gather and share views on the project’s achievements which will be presented and endorsed by the competent institutions to reinforce judicial cooperation at EU level.
Moreover, with PRE-RIGHTS actors working in the field of judicial and police cooperation will have the opportunity to have access to the project Open Training Platform, an innovative tool aiming at connecting Judges, Prosecutors, Prison Staff and public and private experts with other projects outputs in the field of judicial and security cooperation, the EU and MS institutions, the main Networks (EJN, CEP, EPRIS, RAN, etc.) and with relevant training contents for the judicial sector, allowing for a reliable and shared knowledge transfer.
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