The project’s core objectives are:
- To achieve better coordination between Member States, EU institutions/agencies, Council of Europe and UN to promote judicial cooperation concerning the legal prevention of crime in the framework of fundamental rights, towards a more efficient and coherent application of the EU mutual recognition instruments in criminal matters (such as EU Directive 2014/41/EU on the European Investigation Order – EIO and Council Framework Decision 2002/584/JHA on the European Arrest Warrant – EAW);
- To reach a higher level of “juridicalisation” of preventive measures, thus ensuring coherence between the need for security, the rehabilitative mission of the prison institutions and the respect of fundamental and civil rights;
- To achieve a clear role definition among security and judicial agencies in prevention policies, with the aim to avoid conflicts of attribution among the various actors involved (intelligence, law enforcement agencies, judiciary, civil society, etc.) in relation to the national, European and international legal frameworks.